Faith and Trust applied to your training

So this is about Faith and Trust – not in a spiritual aspect – but in a very practical context. It’s about trusting in the full conceptual framework of Systema, and accepting it for what it is – and not believing or attempting to massage it into something else. What do I mean? It means that the concepts, principles and movements that we do in Systema – although we often begin work slowly – are completely effective at speed. But you MUST have faith and trust that this is so. If not, you will attempt to do “something else” that is not Systema, and get flustered, confused, feel awkward, etc. And then you may question if Systema “works”. Or maybe Systema is not “for me”.  It absolutely works. If you have faith and accept that it works. And put that faith into practice every time you train.

This also touches on another aspect of training which is very much related: training honestly. This applies to both the “giver” and the “receiver” – or if you prefer – the “attacker” and “defender”. The attacker must give an honest attack and have faith that whatever he receives from the defender is also helping him learn; it is not always to benefit the defender. From my personal experiences – I have probably learned at least as much by being the attacker (and then receiving whatever the defender responds with), as I have by being the defender. Especially when working with Vlad, Martin Wheeler and other highly skilled practitioners, but also when working with all levels of practitioners. Every punch, kick, knife thrust, etc. is an opportunity to be open, honest and learn. But I cannot overemphasize these two points: 1.) providing an honest attack and 2.) being open to the response. If your attack is given without full intent and purpose (regardless of speed), then Systema really doesn’t work. Also, if you are overly anticipating the response you will receive when you attack, then the attack will lack the intent just mentioned. You are also limiting your own potential experiences by this anticipation. Lastly – not giving the defender an honest attack prevents the defender from learning and applying the proper skills, which may lead to false confidence in ability. So by not being honest in your attacks, you are diminishing both your own, and your partner’s experience.

I will concede that it takes some time to allow this faith and trust to sink in and become part of you. And there will be numerous humbling and painful lessons along the way. But that’s part of the process. It’s what makes Systema unique. How much time? It varies with everyone. But also remember this: you are never done. There is always more to learn, experience, share and grow from. Have faith that as you progress, you are becoming a much better human being, and – if you are training honestly – a better martial artist.